Chapter 1 Kickstarter

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Kickstarter: Find the Starlight, Chapter One

"Find the Starlight, Chapter One: Spark and Smoke" was a Kickstarter campaign launched by "M" on January 11, 2013 with a one month campaign period. It was with a $2500 goal and quickly raised the required amount.

The demo video was merely a hint video compilation which guided viewers towards the location of Alchemy Starter Set box #A011 (initially cited as A013).

The campaign was used a means to gather supports and financial support to carry on the story project, likely through and beyond only Chapter 1.

The project description included a very brief summary of events up to its publication, including the story segment 4:32pm.

Project Description

I have something for you.

It is a story, and a new way to tell it.

Find the Starlight is an interactive storytelling project, I suppose you could say. But the story here is all-important to the project itself. The story is the entire purpose of the project. And it's a story I think you'll want to hear. It is a story about finding your way. About tough decisions and tougher consequences. About loss, and darkness, and hope.

Chapter One: Spark and Smoke has started. And I need your help to finish this chapter.

Go here to see what has begun and how far it has come. The pages of this book are different than the ones you may be used to. Let your eyes and mind adjust, and see what there is to see.

If you decide to help me, you will become part of something that I believe you will enjoy for years to come as the story moves through chapters and methods. Your help will allow me to complete this chapter by June, and will go directly to gathering and transporting the remaining Alchemy Starter Sets, as well as the arrangements necessary for them to help tell this chapter of the story.

The Blue Key


New stretch goal: At $3500, a new item will be added to the rewards.

Update: Thank you all so very much for your support, and for reaching this chapter's goal in under three days. This is an exciting time for us and this story, and I hope to give you something you will remember for years to come. Every bit of help will make this chapter even better, and allow it and these items to reach more people in more locations and in more ways. It will also make you part of something new and exciting, and will get you a piece of this story that I hope someday will be very useful and valuable.

Thank you. I am so incredibly grateful.


The Blue Key


January 14, 2013 What an overwhelming thing this has turned out to be.
Here we sit. Three days past my request for your help and already at our goal.

Thank you all. So very much.

Your help will ensure these sets reach the hands they are meant to reach, and that this story will begin in the ways best for how I have chosen to tell it.

It also ensures that this chapter will conclude on time in a way I think you will enjoy before Chapter Two: Near and Far and the book by the same name begin.

Any help given past this point will translate directly to more sets delivered and hidden in more locations, and will help this chapter reach even more people. At the same time, it will allow me to acquire a... tool... I require to release an item of great importance.

You have followed me this far with little to no light. I know how difficult that can be. But light is coming, for better or for worse.

I am so grateful for the help you have given me, and I hope to repay it soon.

Thank you.

January 17, 2013 Card.
January 22, 2013 The Alchemy Starter Set buried in the video has been recovered.
I will let the person who recovered it tell you how he did it, if he so desires.
January 22, 2013 Unearthed

The new owner of A011 was kind enough to record his discovery. Most of it, at least.

It makes me very happy to be able to be with someone at a time like this, even if virtually. It is my hope that you are also able to borrow some of his excitement through this.

It is also my hope to reproduce this as many times as opportunity allows.

In that spirit, I ask that you please share this project with your friends and family. With anyone and everyone. These boxes are only the very beginning of what is to come, and what is to come is limited only by the amount of help this project receives.

Thank you all so very much. I can not begin to tell you how grateful I remain for all you have done.

More soon.

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